Crisis Prevention & Intervention

Crisis Prevention Intervention Training can best be described as nonviolent crisis intervention training designed to teach best practices for managing difficult situations and disruptive behaviors.  

With Beacon Hill Career Training, individuals will identify the behavioral levels that contribute to the development of a crisis and choose appropriate staff intervention for each level; identify useful non-verbal techniques in the prevention of acting out behavior; develop crisis intervention and verbal de-escalation skills; demonstrate principles of personal safety to avoid injury if behavior escalates to a physical level; use a model for action after an incident that will bring about necessary closure, debriefing, and re-establishment of a therapeutic relationship with the individuals involved.

Unfortunately, workplace violence is a reality today. This course will give you information to help you minimize the chance of it happening at your workplace and also help you survive in the event you are involved in an incident of violence on the job. We cover what an employer can do to reduce workplace violence and what an employee can do. We also cover how no industry and no one person are immune. Workplace violence can happen to anyone in any industry.

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Who Should Apply For Crisis Prevention Intervention?

The Crisis Prevention & Intervention course can be conveniently done online. Our Crisis Prevention & Intervention course is approved for CE credits with FBON, meets federal regulations, and is accepted nationally.

The CPI training is for healthcare professionals, teachers, law enforcement agents, nurses, doctors, and other professionals who encounter assaultive behavior. CPI certification is earned through completing classes that permit teaching intervention methods to peers.

This type of certification might be sought by department stores, hospital employees, mental health workers, teachers, and social service workers.

The crisis prevention online training certificate program is for all 50 U.S. states.
Watch Intro Video

Affordable CPI course

Don't compromise on your training!

With Career Training, not only are there no prerequisites to enroll, but you will also have the freedom to learn at your own pace and schedule. With online classes, you don't have to put your life on hold or drive to our campus—you can take the CPI course from home, start your journey, and quickly realize your dream.

How to Earn Your Certificate in Crisis Prevention Intervention?

  • Review each Module

  • Watch the Video in each Module

  • Pass the Quizzes in the Modules

  • Pass the Final Exam

  • Download and Print Your Certificate



    Upgrade your prospects and achieve your goals


    Our Crisis Prevention Intervention course fits into your existing schedule so you don’t have to delay pursuing your certificate.


    Certification may help you obtain work, improve your pay, and boost your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will I learn?

    This course aims to provide you with comprehensive information on crisis prevention and intervention and related topics.

    Upon completing the course, the student will be able to
    • Understanding Precursors To Crisis
    • Motivating Persons In Crisis
    • Handling Passive Non-Compliance
    • Verbal De-escalation Techniques
    • Professional Distancing
    • Building Rapport
    • Trauma-Informed Care And How It Relates To Crisis Intervention Prevention Training
    • Multiple Non-Violent De-escalation Techniques
    • Verbal De-escalation Techniques

  • Who is the course for?

    Our audience encompasses individuals interested in the topic or seeking the 4-hour CPI certificate for professional development, personal enrichment, or skill enhancement purposes

  • How long to I have to complete the course?

    The student will have 90 days to complete the course.

  • Will I receive a certificate?

    Yes, As soon as you pass our online training class, you can print your 4-hour certificate.

    We do not provide physical cards or certificates to students; instead, students have the option to print their digital certificate.

  • State Requirement

    State Requirement
    Before enrolling in the classes, verifying with your state's regulatory body is essential to determine if any additional testing or licensure requirements are necessary.

    Each state may have specific prerequisites for certification, ensuring compliance with legal and professional standards.

    Ensuring compliance with local regulations will enhance your understanding of the profession and pave the way for a smooth transition into your career as a healthcare professional.

    Don't hesitate to contact your state's licensing board for clarification and guidance before enrolling in our classes.

  • How do I contact the school?

    Contact us
    Beacon Hill Career Training
    Mon-Wed. 10 am- 6 pm
    Thurs. - Fri. 10 am – 4 pm

Crisis Prevention & Intervention

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